Friday, September 30, 2016

Recommended Video: Back in Time for the Weekend

Not so long ago I recommended Back in Time for Dinner.  Now the BBC has another series called Back in Time for the Weekend.   The BBC site says:  For one summer the Ashby Hawkins family give up their 21st-century technology and travel back in time to discover the radical transformation of our leisure time since 1950.

 I can't find a decent copy on YouTube but I found this site.

Back in Time for the Weekend

Here is a review.  It was harder to be female in the 50's.

The BBC remodeled the house for each decade:

  "Every era we completely redecorated their house, even putting in extra walls, doors, garden fences and a shed. Our art department repainted, wallpapered, carpeted and re-furnished their house, often in just three days, whilst the family were living in a rented house nearby. The family moved out of their house before filming began for the 50s and before every decade, only saw the changes as they stepped through the door on the first day of filming for each episode."

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