Monday, January 19, 2015

First gardening of the season

I am feeling better.  It seems this wretched virus is widespread in Portland now.  My computer problems are almost under control;  I am writing this from the Google Cloud, so to speak.  It's taken some effort to get things fixed up and moved.  I am really impressed with my new Chromebook and how easy the transition from Windows to Google has been (so far).

We had a gorgeous day today.  We went for a walk and got in a little gardening.

Viburnum bodnantense smelling mighty fine

This is sarcococca which smells so wonderful that people walking by ask what smells so good.

And after we finished our bit of gardening it was nice enough to hang out on the porch for a bit.  The days are getting longer, the light is changing and today spring seemed at hand.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I can't imagine a gardening season starting so early. Now I see why you happy where you live!

Michele Bilyeu said...

Hi Donaleen! I just lost my long, long comment but I wanted you to know that I've been reading your blog since Wanda mentioned you on hers and I read ALLLL the way back to the beginning just because you were so charming and so fun and I loved reading about your remodel, gardening, walks, quilts, and art quilting. Come on over to my blog and get acquainted with me, as well! I blog at